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Throughout the past school year, the Keleher Reserach Group has organized and participated in a number of different types of community outreach events including both on and off campus locations. We partake in the “Bring Your Child to Work” day allowing the kids to have some science fun while being on campus.  We hosted a “Pedal for Preemies” event, whose proceeds were donated to the Loyola Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, where we were able to discuss different topics on Electrochemistry and also were able to model and explain the science behind the number of “pi” generated from each rotation that was pedaled. 

A major part of our community outreach involves traveling to different locations, allowing us to actually bring the science into the community. We have traveled to many different schools, including Circle Center school, Prairie Elementary School, Oak View Elementary, St. Mary’s Catholic School, and Wood View Elementary providing us the opportunity to bring hands on science to a wide range of students. The departments have also been a major success at the White Oak Library STEM Fest where we demonstrate a number of different topics to people of all ages throughout the entire day.  Besides demo shows, we have also been apart of grade school science fairs where our students have judged the work done by junior high students in hopes to make it to the Regional science fair competition. 

The Keleher Research Group has made collaborations with local high schools, more specifically Downers Grove South and St. Laurence High School, where students begin the research journey by actually partaking in a number of different research projects that the Keleher Research Group is currently focusing on. 

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